Saturday 14 January 2012

Getting The Trust and Respect You Want in Your Business and How To Make it Happen

By Maryann Alford

Creating a website is easy and selling a product on your site is also no rocket science - however, if you aren't taking any good measures when building trust with your visitors, you'll find that none of your efforts are fruitful. So, that is the subject of our conversation today, and we will endeavor to help you get moving in the right direction.


You know that your business site must make a favorable impression on visitors, and there are so many little twists and turns that must be properly addressed in support of that. When all those important little details have problems, then it detracts from the user experience which is never what you want to see. Even though it is mundane and may not seem important, it does matter that all of your links are functioning properly at all times. You should see to it that there are no dead links or broken links, which may lead to confusion for your readers. There can be any number of reasons for this, and usually it is a change in URL structure with the external site, but either way it is one of those things that has to be minimized.

Your site navigation structure is terribly important for site usability concerns. Fast, simple, easy and all those simplistic terms is what your structure has to be just so people will not get frustrated in three seconds. We have seen some extremely busy sites that had excellent navigation, so it was not a problem getting around. Humans are funny creatures because the best affect is to not cause visitors to consciously think about your navigation, or other things on your site. Have all the prominent links on your site displayed on each and every page, and make sure that you've got a search function that works. People these days have a lot of options when it comes to sites on the web, and it won't take long for them to jump onto another site if you don't give them a good experience.

Your credibility is far more important and valuable to waste causing any harm to it by questionable marketing practices. It's better to let go these short term goals in order to achieve the long term ones. Your reputation really matters when it comes to winning the trust of your visitors, which is why you shouldn't do anything that affects your reputation. The only thing any business has on the net is their reputation, and sullying it for fast profits is never worth it in our minds.

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It takes time and work, but you can successfully become a more trusted web business when you do the right things.

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